We offer comprehensive physiotherapy services tailored to your needs, promoting recovery and enhancing overall well-being. Our services encompass personalised treatment plans designed to alleviate pain, restore mobility, and improve quality of life for our patients.
Exercise therapy forms an integral part of our holistic approach to rehabilitation, aimed at improving strength, flexibility, and overall function. Our tailored exercise programs provide strength, flexibility, and overall function.
Stroke rehabilitation is a program of different therapies designed to help you relearn skills lost after a stroke. Rehabilitation methods can depend on the parts of your brain affected by the stroke. This can help with movement, speech, strength and daily living skills.
Any type of pain management is done through techniques such as manual therapy, exercise prescription, and modalities like heat or cold therapy, which help alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance overall function.
We provide education on proper body mechanics. Correct posture can prevent future pain episodes. Exercises like arching over a foam roller, hip flexor stretching, the cat cow, the door frame stretch, the forearm stretch, neck stretching, and shoulder blade squeezing can help a great deal in relieving pain.
We offer comprehensive physiotherapy services tailored to your needs, promoting recovery and enhancing overall well-being. Our services encompass personalised treatment plans designed to alleviate pain, restore mobility, and improve quality of life for our patients. With a focus on holistic care, our team is dedicated to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals.